Creating Health vs Death. What Do You Eat?

Creating health vs Death – What do you eat? is a call to action to consciously attend to what we choose to eat. Or, what we are failing to eat. It is no long a fallacy that what we eat, and do not consume has a grave impact on our Health and Wellness. By the way, our food and what we drink are both in question here. For many years, we Believed and Trusted the Experts who were looked up to for Guidance on how to Optimize our Health. And, what did they do? In retrospect, it appears we were lied to on various levels, for various reasons.

Here is a Video by Dr. Mark Hyman on Creating Health vs Treating Disease

The Industries

The nutrition industry, big pharma and regulatory bodies have permitted the production and dissemination to the marketplace of highly processed nonfoods, which are infused with chemicals and other production processes to preserve and extend the shelf life, augment and enhance our Food and Drinks. This is a Major Problem to all of us. Today, many people are Waking UP to the reality of our deplorable Health Crisis. The big Question though is: What are we creating, Health vs Death? It goes back to the fact that our food is killing us. Are we creating Health or Are we creating Death by what we ingest, or fail to consume?

Is Ignorance an Excuse?

Creating Health vs Death

It is easy to identify and point out the culprit. However, everyone of us has the sole responsibility to be the champion of our health and wellness. For me, this is very empowering. Because I am able to chose what to ingest and what not to. Additionally, our bodies are Magical. Your body readily tells you when what you have eaten, or drank is of premium quality (i.e., creating health), or detrimental to to the body (i.e., creating death). You’ve Got that POWER! So Listen to your Body.

The Solution for Creating Health vs Death. What do you Eat?

We are happy to share our solutions with you. We found very a unique Food item, Drink, Supplement and Protection that will only enhance us, but also protect us from EMF exposure.

  • Supplements: Our biohacking supplements are nootropic nutrient dense gels that augment and enhance our Health and wellness on different dimensions. These dimensions range from Age Reversal and Anti Aging, Brain Power, Weight Loss and Management, EMF Protection, and Improved Sleep to Gut Health. Go here for more details.

  • True Fine Wines: There is a great difference between store bought wines and True Fine Wines. We have exquisite true fine wines that are naturally curated and appropriately aged. Additionally, most excitingly is that we can Delivery To You Doorstep monthly in boxes of 4, 6, or 12 bottles. You just have to see this for yourself. Go here for more detailed information. Join us and enjoy!

There are more Items that Create Health…

Creating Health vs Death

My Conclusions

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